• March 6, 2023


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Veleta Watson, Tina Nowlin, Cindy Gaylor, Tommy Ferguson, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Police Chief Jim Mock, Corporal Joshua Waybright and several citizens of the community. Absent were Council Members Austin McArdle, Vivian Jones and King Thomas.

    Citizen Kerry Laseter opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 20, 2023 meeting and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the Financials of January 2023 and Council Member Cindy Gaylor second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    The Mayor and the Council waived the reading of the Ordinance/Felon and Sex Offender Registration and will vote on it at the next council meeting.

    Leave the walking trail lights on the agenda for the next council meeting.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the street light request forms for 2 new street lights facing Webb to Kinsey Road. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the increase on the municipal insurance for the water tank and well & pump. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Leave the open slot for the Planning and Zoning Board on the agenda for the next council meeting.

    The Mayor and the Council Members went into the Administrative Meeting and the following item was moved to the next Council Agenda:
    General Business:

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Tommy Ferguson second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

  • February 20, 2023


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, February 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Pro Tem Austin McArdle called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Cindy Gaylor, Tommy Ferguson, Austin McArdle, Veleta Watson, Tina Nowlin, King Thomas, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Police Chief Jim Mock and several citizens of the community. Absent was Mayor Jason Reneau.

    Mayor Pro Tem Austin McArdle opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2023 meeting and Council Member Tommy Ferguson second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    The Mayor Pro Tem and the Council decided to push back the Ordinance 2-20-2023/Felon and Sex Offender Registration to the Police Chief and the Town Clerk to look on adding a fee and how often they have to check in.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve $50.00 per day for the employees to spend on meals for the conferences that they have to attend. Council Member Vivian Jones second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member King Thomas made a motion to table the walking trail lights until the mayor gets more information on the parameters and bidding. Council Member Cindy Gaylor second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    The Mayor Pro Tem and the Council decided to push back the Municipal Insurance until the Mayor can confirm if the extra amount to increase the RC on the water tank and well & pump is a replacement cost or cash value.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to table the open slot on the Planning and Zoning Board for pending notification and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion for the town to spend $1,000 dollars on the egg drop and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

    The Mayor Pro Tem and the Council Members went into the Administrative Meeting and the following item was moved to the next Council Agenda:
    General Business:
    Street Light Request Forms

  • February 6, 2023


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Cindy Gaylor, Austin McArdle, Tina Nowlin, Veleta Watson, Tommy Ferguson, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Police Chief Jim Mock, Corporal Joshua Waybright and several citizens of the community. Absent was Council Member King Thomas.

    Council Member Austin McArdle opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2023 meeting and Council Member Austin McArdle second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the Financials of December 2022 and Council Member Cindy Gaylor second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to approve the Business License Issuance Fee from $10.00 to $14.00 and Council Member Austin McArdle second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion for Chief Mock to go to the 2023 Winter Conference and hotel costs. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve a raise for Corporal Waybright from $15.99 to $18.00 and to work on a contract for Corporal Waybright. Council Member Tina Nowlin second but then the contract was rescinded so the motion was only about the raise. Mayor Jason Reneau called for a roll call vote: Council Member Vivian Jones said yes, Council Member Cindy Gaylor said no, Council Member Tommy Ferguson said yes, Council Member Austin McArdle said no, Council Member Tina Nowlin said yes, and Council Member Veleta Watson said yes. There was enough council to say yes so, the motion carried.

    The Mayor and the Council Members went into the Administrative Meeting and the following items was moved to the next Council Agenda:

    General Business:
    Ordinance 2-20-2023/Felon and Sex Offender Registration
    Meals for Conferences
    Walking Trail Lights
    Planning and Zoning:
    Open Slot

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

  • January 16, 2023


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, January 16, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Austin McArdle, Veleta Watson, Cindy Gaylor, Tina Nowlin, King Thomas, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Police Chief Jim Mock, Officer Philip Rice, Corporal Joshua Waybright and several citizens of the community. Absent was Council Member Tommy Ferguson.

    Council Member King Thomas opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2022 meeting and Council Member Cindy Gaylor second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the Financials of November 2022 and Council Member King Thomas second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the 25-foot Variance for the Zoom in Store to build on to the store and Council Member King Thomas second. Mayor Jason Reneau called for a roll call vote: Council Member Vivian Jones said yes, Council Member Cindy Gaylor said no, Council Member King Thomas said yes, Council Member Austin McArdle said no, Council Member Tina Nowlin said yes and Council Member Veleta Watson said yes. There was enough council to say yes so, the motion carried.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to approve for Max Colon to go to the Annual Technical Training Conference and for his hotel. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Mr. Dean Culbreth from Flowers Insurance was at the meeting to go over the Municipal Insurance for the Town of Kinsey.

    The Mayor and the Council Members went into the Administrative Meeting and the following item was moved to the next Council Agenda.

    General Business:
    Business License Issuance Fee/$10.00 to $14.00

    Council Member Austin McArdle made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

  • November 21, 2022


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Cindy Gaylor, Veleta Watson, Tommy Ferguson, Tina Nowlin, King Thomas, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Police Chief Jim Mock, Officer Joshua Waybright, Officer Philip Rice and several citizens of the community. Absent was Council Member Austin McArdle.

    Council Member King Thomas opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 7, 2022 meeting and Council Member Cindy Gaylor second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the Tax Revenue Enhancement Agreement Lodging Tax Revenue Administration and Council Member King Thomas second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion for Town Clerk Rachel Exum to take a FSLA class and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to approve the Application to the Planning and Zoning Board and Council Member King Thomas second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    The Mayor and the Council Members went into the Administrative Meeting and the following item was moved to the next Council Agenda:

    General Business:
    Cost of living raise

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

  • December 5, 2022

    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, December 5, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Veleta Watson, Tommy Ferguson, Tina Nowlin, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Police Chief Jim Mock, Officer Philip Rice and several citizens of the community. Absent were Council Members Cindy Gaylor, King Thomas and Austin McArdle.

    Mr. Kerry Laseter opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 7, 2022 meeting again because of a date error and the November 21, 2022 meeting. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the financials for October 2022 and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the cost of living raise as it was last year and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to amend Ordinance No. 67-1987 Section 2 through 4 to say except personal rvs and recreational vehicles. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    The Mayor and the Council Members went into the Administrative Meeting and the following items was moved to the next Council Agenda:
    General Business:
    Zoom In Store

    Water Department:
    Annual Technical Training Conference and Hotel for Max

    Police Department:
    Regional Task Force

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

  • December 19, 2022


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, December 19, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Cindy Gaylor, Tina Nowlin, Austin McArdle, Veleta Watson, Tommy Ferguson, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Police Chief Jim Mock, Officer Philip Rice, Officer Joshua Waybright and several citizens of the community. Absent was Council Member King Thomas.

    Council Member Austin McArdle opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2022 meeting and Council Member Tommy Ferguson second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the 25-foot variance to build onto the Zoom in Store but there was no second so the motion died. The Mayor and the Council Members decided to have a Public Hearing before the January 16, 2023 council meeting at 5:30 pm.

    The Mayor and the Council Members decided to push back the Annual Technical Training Conference & Hotel for Max to the next council meeting for more information.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the RC&D Grant for the police department and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Chief Jim Mock presented Officer Joshua Waybright a promotion to Corporal.

    Under Old Business: The Mayor wants to have someone come and map out where to put lights at the walking trail.

    There was nothing on the Administrative Meeting.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

  • November 7, 2022


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its meeting on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Pro Tem Austin McArdle called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Tina Nowlin, Veleta Watson, Cindy Gaylor, Tommy Ferguson, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Police Chief Jim Mock and several citizens of the community. Absent was Mayor Jason Reneau and Council Member King Thomas.

    Mayor Pro Tem Austin McArdle opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2022 meeting and Council Member Cindy Gaylor second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the financials of September 2022 and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor except Council Member Tommy Ferguson opposed but the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the Notice of Authorizing Resolution and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the Waste Water Revenue Bond, Series 2022 and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Vivian Jones made a motion to approve the purchase from Southern Pipe & Supply for the Culvert Pipe on Beatrice Road and let Houston County install it. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion that all employees who have comp time has to take it and not keep accruing it. Council Member Tina Nowlin second but the motion died. At the next council meeting the council members will look over the comp time in the employment handbook and look over the previous police chief’s time sheets.

    The Mayor Pro Tem and the Council Members went into the Administrative Meeting and the following items were moved to the next Council Agenda:
    General Business:
    Tax Revenue Enhancement Agreement Lodging Tax Revenue Admin.
    Comp Time
    Planning and Zoning:


  • October 17, 2022


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its meeting on Monday, October 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Veleta Watson, Cindy Gaylor, Tina Nowlin, Tommy Ferguson, King Thomas, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Police Chief Jim Mock, Officer Joshua Waybright and several citizens of the community. Absent was Council Member Austin McArdle.

    Council Member King Thomas opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 3, 2022 meeting and Council Member Tommy Ferguson second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2022-10-A about authorizing the operation of a medical cannabis dispensary within the corporate limits of the Town of Kinsey with the removal of Paragraph 6 which states a purchase of a business license and to pay sales tax to the Town of Kinsey. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to approve the Ordinance No. 2022-10-B to levy and impose a privilege or license tax on the rental or rooms to transients and to make the rate five percent for the charge. Council Member Tommy Ferguson second and all were in favor so the motion carried.
    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve for the Mayor, Council Members and the Employees of the town to go to the second congressional District Meeting and Dinner at the Dothan Civic Center and the town will pay for the them but any guests the Mayor, Council Members and the employees take they will have to pay for. Council Member Vivian Jones second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    The mayor opened the only bid that the town received to buy the water line to put on Beatrice Road from Ferguson Waterworks so they won the bid.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.

    Nothing was on the Agenda for the Administrative Meeting.

  • October 3, 2022


    The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, October 3, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.

    Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

    Others present were Council Members Tina Nowlin, Tommy Ferguson, Austin McArdle, Cindy Gaylor, Veleta Watson, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Interim Police Chief Jim Mock, Police Officer Joshua Waybright and several citizens of the community. Absent was Council Member King Thomas.

    Council Member Austin McArdle opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2022 meeting and Council Member Cindy Gaylor second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the financials for August 2022 and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Mayor Jason Reneau read aloud Ordinance No. 2022-10-A for Authorizing the Operation of a Medical Cannabis Dispensary and will be voted on at the next Council Meeting.

    Mayor Jason Reneau read aloud Ordinance No. 2022-10-B for a Lodging Tax and will be voted on at the next Council Meeting.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to buy the new Sonic Wall and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to accept Dorothy Graham as the new member of the Board of Adjustments. Council Member Vivian Jones second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to buy the water line to put on Beatrice Road and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor except Council Member Tommy Ferguson but the motion carried.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to make Jim Mock as the new Police Chief and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

    Council Member Austin McArdle made a motion to table the Police Salaries and Council Member Cindy Gaylor second. The mayor called for a roll call vote: Council Member Vivian Jones said No, Council Member Cindy Gaylor said Yes, Council Member Tommy Ferguson said No, Council Member Austin McArdle said Yes, Council Member Tina Nowlin said No and Council Member Veleta Watson said No. There were enough no’s so the motion failed.

    Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to give a raise to the new Police Chief Jim Mock and put him at Step 8 which is $20.17 and a raise to Officer Joshua Waybright and put him at Step 4 which is $15.99. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and the mayor called for a roll call vote: Council Member Vivian Jones said Yes, Council Member Cindy Gaylor said Yes, Council Member Tommy Ferguson said Yes, Council Member Austin McArdle said No, Council Member Tina Nowlin said Yes, and Council Member Veleta Watson said Yes. All were in favor except one Council Member so the motion carried.

    The Mayor and the Council Members went into the Administrative Meeting and the following item was moved to the next Council Agenda:
    General Business:
    Second Congressional District Meeting and Dinner/Dothan Civic Center

    Council Member Austin McArdle made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.