May 3, 2021


The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Citizen Building.

Mayor Jason Reneau called the meeting to order.

Mayor Jason Reneau opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Others present were Council Members Cindy Gaylor, Austin McArdle, Tina Nowlin, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Police Officer Antonio Walker and several citizens of the community. Absent were Council Members King Thomas, Joe Watson and Tommy Ferguson.

Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2021 meeting and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

Council Member Austin McArdle made a motion to approve the March 2021 Financials and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the motion carried.

Council Member Austin McArdle made a motion to approve all of the Municipal Court Ordinances in one motion which are #5-3-21-A, #5-3-21-B, #5-3-21-C and #5-3-21-D. Council Member Tina Nowlin second and all were in favor so the motion carried.

Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Austin McArdle second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.