Code Red FAQ’s

What is CodeRED and what is it used for?
CodeRED® is an emergency notification system that enables local public safety personnel to notify residents and businesses by telephone, text message, email and more of time-sensitive information,
emergencies or urgent alerts. The system can reach hundreds of thousands of individuals in minutes
to ensure information such as evacuation notices, missing persons, inclement weather advisories and
more are quickly shared. Only authorized officials have access to send alerts using the CodeRED system.

When will CodeRED be used?
Any message regarding the safety of our residents and community will be disseminated using CodeRED.
We will send out alerts via phone, text and email in a variety of situations including boil water notices,
gas leaks, evacuation notices, police activity, fire emergencies, missing persons and more. This is a community alert system to ensure you remain informed of important information. Please keep in mind that as you register to receive CodeRED, you have the ability to select your preferred means of communication.

Is there a cost to register for CodeRED?
No, registering for CodeRED phone calls, text messages, and email is free. Simply sign up on our enrollment website and select your preferred means of communication.

How will I know when CodeRED is calling?
A CodeRED message will have the caller ID. We suggest that you program these numbers into your cell phone as a “new contact” and use “CodeRED” as the contact name. If you need to replay the message received, you can dial this number and listen to the message again in its entirety

Why is CodeRED important to me?
CodeRED helps keep you informed and prepared for any emergencies that may occur in our area. Officials will send messages to alert you of emergency details, instructions or precautions that you need in order to make well-informed decisions and remain safe. This system is precise enough to geotarget
residents within an exact area of impact, so that only those people who are affected by an emergency
situation are notified.

How do I sign up?
Visit our website and create your profile to enter the required information online (address, name, phone number(s) and email). This is the quickest way to sign up because the information you supply is immediately registered in the system. If you do not have internet at home, please consider visiting a library or asking a friend or family member for assistance.

Does CodeRED already have my telephone number?
No resident should assume that their information is in the system. Please visit our website and look for the link for the CodeRED Enrollment page to register online.

Can I register more than one phone number or email for my address?
Yes, you can register more than one phone number and/or email address for your location when you
register for CodeRED. Please note that it is highly recommended you register at least one phone number
and one email address to ensure that you will receive CodeRED alerts in the event of a power outage or an incident that may occur late at night when you are generally asleep.

What do I do if I receive a CodeRED alert?
If you receive a CodeRED phone call, listen carefully to the entire message. You can repeat the message
by pressing 0. Do not call 911 for further information unless directed to do so, or you need immediate
aid from the police or fire department. If you receive a CodeRED email or text message, please be sure to read the entire message carefully and follow all instructions

What if I miss a CodeRED phone call?
The CodeRED system will leave a message on your answering machine or voicemail if you miss the phone call. If you do not have an answering machine, the system will consider the call as “incomplete” and will attempt to call again after several minutes have passed. If your phone line is busy, CodeRED will try two more times to connect. At any point, you may re-dial the 800 number on your caller ID to hear a replay of the message sent

Do I ever need to renew my registration?
Renewals are not necessary as long as your contact information has not changed. If you move, however, you must update your information to ensure you will continue receiving these valuable alerts.

Is there a mobile app?
CodeRED offers a mobile app for Apple and Android devices. All residents and business owners are
encouraged to download the free app to receive alerts based on the geo-location of your phone. As you
travel throughout other CodeRED communities, you can receive important alerts that include community,
emergency and severe weather information.

To sign up for CodeRED visit the Community Notification Enrollment website:

Please direct additional questions to:

Kinsey Town Hall ` 334-793-5409

To download the CodeRED app, visit the App Store
or Google Play