December 18, 2023
The Town Council of the Town of Kinsey held its regular meeting on Monday, December 18, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building.
Mayor Jason Renau called the meeting to order.
Others Present were Council Members Cindy Gaylor, Tina Nowlin, Veleta Watson, Tommy Ferguson, King Thomas, Vivian Jones, Town Clerk Rachel Exum, Water Operator Max Colon, Police Chief Jim Mock, Corporal Joshua Waybright, Police Officer Jadyn Morgan and several citizens of the community. Absent was Council Member Austin McArdle.
Mr. Ed Gaylor opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council Member Cindy Gaylor made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2023 meeting and Council Member Tina Nowlin second. All were in favor so the motion carried
Council Member Tommy Ferguson made a motion to approve the cancellation of the Monday, January 1, 2024 Council Meeting and Council Member Vivian Jones second. All were in favor so the motion carried
The Mayor and the Council Members talked about the possible recreation funding from Houston County and the Mayor suggested to build an 80×100 top building for different sports and events. No motion needed.
Chief Jim Mock awarded Corporal Joshua Waybright a certificate and a new rank to Sergeant for doing exemplary work in the Police Department.
Carmen Choice from CDG Engineering spoke about the new Sewer Treatment Plant and the recommendation they make for the contractor to build it.
Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to approve the recommendation presented by CDG to award the contract based on review by USDA. Council Member King Thomas second and all were in favor so the motion carried
The Mayor and the Council Members decide to have a public hearing on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Senior Building for Sewer Rate increase.
There was nothing on the agenda for the Administrative Meeting.
Council Member Tina Nowlin made a motion to adjourn and Council Member Cindy Gaylor second. All were in favor so the meeting was adjourned.